Staff & Faculty

Rick Holland
BS, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga,
MDiv, The Master’s Seminary,
DMin, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,
ThM, PhD, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Rick was born and raised in Chattanooga, TN and became a Christian in high school. He served as a youth pastor in Georgia, Michigan, and California and spent twenty-five years at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, CA. While at Grace he pastored Crossroads, the college and singles ministry, and served as the Executive Pastor under Dr. John MacArthur.
He is the author of Uneclipsing the Son (Kress Biblical Resources, 2011) and has contributed chapters in other books as well as articles in theological journals. He serves on the faculty of The Expositors Seminary where he teaches Homiletics and Expository Preaching.
Rick has served as Senior Pastor of Mission Road Bible Church since August of 2011. He and his wife Kim have been married since 1994 and have three sons and one daughter-in-law: Luke, John & Mianna, and Mark.