
How Long Should You Stay at Your Church?

With sweat pouring down my cheek, my father said to me: “Put your head down; focus on the path before you. Don’t look to the right or the left. Take your time. Don’t finish quick, but finish well.” This is how my dad taught me to mow the lawn. His advice is also...

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What God Is Looking For in a Pastor

What God Is Looking For in a Pastor

In an evangelical culture dominated by mega-churches and celebrity preachers, many pastors today are tempted to judge the success of their ministries purely in terms of numbers. From budgets to buildings to book sales, bigger is...

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Reprise: Evangelicalism’s Got Talent (Part 2)

In part 1 of this two-part series, I mentioned that there are two issues that that cause me to think that evangelicalism is being duped when it comes to how we evaluate effective ministries and preaching. As I explained, the first of those two is that we make wrong...

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Reprise: Evangelicalism’s Got Talent (Part 1)

Not long ago I listened to a panel discussion of well-known pastors discussing the merits, if any, of establishing new churches whose primary shepherd/preacher is heard and known only by live-streaming video. Those in favor offered two main reasons: (1) It works!...

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A Compassionate, Counter-Cultural, Christian Response

Here are some reminders for the Church in the wake of George Floyd’s tragic death and the current nation-wide turmoil: To grieve and lament over the tragic death of George Floyd is not an affirmation of the cultural narrative.  Jesus wept over Lazarus but for...

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